B-Restore™ 屏障修復霜 + 免費 20 公克旅行裝

B-Restore™ 屏障修復霜 + 免費 20 公克旅行裝


B-Restore™ 屏障修復霜 + 免費 20 公克旅行裝

定價 $75.00
定價 $104.00 AUD 售價 $75.00 AUD
特價 售罄



B-Restore™ 屏障修復霜能增強肌膚的防禦能力,配方添加乳酸菌發酵裂解液、透明質酸、越橘籽油和塔斯馬尼亞胡椒漿果。經皮膚科專家認可的配方,經EWG驗證,98.87%純天然且完全無毒,可顯著增加皮膚保溼度300%,減少經皮水分流失35%,快速吸收,無任何油膩感。重新喚起肌膚的自然光澤和水分。這款奢華乳霜能每天提供深層滋養,讓膚色煥發光彩。


退款保證!試試我們免費的 20 克旅行裝!如果您出於任何原因對購買的商品不滿意,請告知我們並退回未開封的 100 克產品。我們將為您提供全額退款。

  • 滿 50 美元澳洲境內免運費


使用 CelRevive 的 B-Restore™ 隔離霜釋放科學的力量,該隔離霜採用乳酸菌發酵裂解液、透明質酸、升級改造的越橘籽油和塔斯馬尼亞胡椒漿果等先進成分精心製作。這種創新配方具有自我保護功效,不含有害防腐劑,非常適合敏感或易患濕疹的皮膚,甚至適合那些正在接受治療的皮膚。使用這款終極超級英雄護盾,告別乾燥、發紅、發癢和刺激!


  • 深層保濕 - B-Restore 先進的保濕配方可瞬間讓您的肌膚煥發活力,該配方旨在滲透深層,為最乾燥的肌膚提供持久補水。

  • 強化屏障 - 透過我們獨特的營養混合物增強皮膚的天然防禦能力,修復和強化皮膚屏障,抵禦環境侵害。

  • 絲滑質感 - 享受不油膩、天鵝絨般的質感,讓您的肌膚倍感柔軟。非常適合日常妝前使用或作為夜間護理。


  • 每天塗抹兩次,早晚各一次。

  • 對於患有濕疹或皮膚乾燥的人來說,

  • 如果正在接受治療,請在早上和晚上塗抹,並按照醫療專業人員的建議重新塗抹。


  • 使用我們的產品可立即將水合作用水準提高 300% 以上
  • 使用我們的產品1小時後,皮膚經表皮水分流失減少35%以上,並維持24小時
  • 100% 不油膩,容易被皮膚吸收
  • 100% 清潔(無毒)配方
  • 微生物組友好


水*、椰油辛酸酯/癸酸酯*、丙二醇*、甘油*、氫化乙基己基橄欖酸酯*、戊二醇*、越橘籽油*、花生醇*、丙烯酸鈉共聚物、乳酸菌發酵裂解液*、塔斯馬尼亞果/葉萃取物*、透明質酸鈉*、山萮醇*、花生糖苷*、羥基苯乙酮*、卵磷脂*、1,2-己二醇* 、辛二醇*、生育酚*、黃原膠*、氫化橄欖油不皂化物*、大豆油*、乳酸酸*。



我們已通過 EWG 驗證!產品安全值得您信賴!

EWG VERIFIED® 產品代表了 EWG Skin Deep® 資料庫和 EWG 健康清潔指南中基於健康、安全和透明度的前 2.5% 的產品。

EWG VERIFIED 計劃是唯一公開披露其全部標準、擁有科學家並要求包括香料在內的成分完全透明的第三方認證或評估計劃。

當您在產品上看到 EWG VERIFIED 標誌時,您可以確定產品不含 EWG 關注的化學品,並且符合其最嚴格的標準。

A Sensitive Skin Journey That Speaks to Those Who Understand

My skin is quite sensitive and sometimes I have rashes and it lasts a few days. I tried B-Restore cream, and the next day my skin came back normal. I was so surprised. I have been using it for a week, my skin looks really good, soft and moisturised. Highly recommended!


An Eczema Sufferer's 14-Day Transformation Journey

Before using this product, my skin was constantly inflamed and red. Eczema patches made my face feel rough, and I was always self-conscious about the irritation and redness. But after just 14 days, my skin is now soft, hydrated, and visibly calmer. The redness has significantly reduced, and the dry patches are gone. I finally feel confident in my skin again!

Jasoan. C

A Mum’s Journey to Finding Relief for Her Son’s Eczema

My son has struggled with eczema since he was young, with flare-ups especially during winter. I’ve tried countless store-bought creams and even steroid creams, which help but aren’t a long-term solution. I discovered CelRevive on Instagram and decided to give it a try since nothing else seemed to work.

I started applying it twice a day and saw results within two days. After a week of use, his skin has improved significantly. I can’t recommend this product enough, especially for little kids, as it contains no harsh chemicals—only natural ingredients! We’re ready to repurchase!


My Rosacea Is Finally Under Control and Feeling More Confident Now

I was really hoping this cream was going to be as good as the hype and feedback that I read about and boy has it done the job and more. My red rosacea facial skin has settled down and the best it has looked for a long time. No more flare ups or issues. Feeling more confident and less stressed with my appearance. Recommend this cream to everyone with any sort of skin issues, you won't be disappointed.



Lactobacillus Ferment Lysate

Thanks to advanced, patented technology, our unique Lactobacillus Ferment Lysate, derived from a culture of 10 billion microorganisms, serves as a potent bioactive ingredient in our skincare formulation. This innovative process removes probiotic cell walls, eliminating antagonistic elements and enhancing cytosol contents through post-fermentation with hyaluronic acid. The result is a low molecular weight bioactive material that easily penetrates the skin, delivering powerful benefits.

Bilberry Seed Oil

Bilberry, also known as wild blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.), is more than just a tasty fruit—it’s a powerhouse for skin health. Packed with anthocyanosides (those purple pigments found in the skin and pulp) and rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) from its seeds, bilberry offers a range of benefits. It’s an excellent source of α-linolenic acid, omega-3, omega-6, and oleic acid, which are essential for maintaining healthy skin.

What makes bilberry seed oil stand out is its perfect omega-6 to omega-3 ratio, which helps soothe the skin and improve hydration and integrity. It’s especially good at helping the skin recover from damage caused by harsh surfactants, reducing dryness, irritation, and flakiness. Plus, the linoleic acid in bilberry plays a key role in forming ceramides and anti-inflammatory agents, making it crucial for keeping the skin barrier strong and healthy.

Tasmanian Pepperberry

Tasmanian Pepperberry (Tasmannia lanceolata) is a resilient plant that flourishes in the rugged mountains of southeastern Australia. It can handle cold winters and thrives in rocky, windy spots. The real star of this plant is its berry, which contains polygodial, a powerful anti-inflammatory compound. Polygodial helps reduce vasodilation and swelling, making it a great natural remedy for calming skin discomforts.

Studies have shown that Tasmanian Pepperberry not only soothes sensitive skin but also has anti-allergic and antimicrobial properties. In vitro tests highlight its effectiveness in reducing skin inflammation, making it an ideal go-to for instantly soothing and protecting delicate skin.

Healthy Skin Starts with a Strong Skin Barrier

Think of your skin barrier as your body’s personal security guard. It’s like a built-in shield that protects you from germs, harsh weather, and pollution. This incredible defense system is made up of multiple layers working together to keep you safe. When your skin barrier is compromised, things can go south pretty quickly. You might notice dryness, redness, itching, or irritation. Your skin can become more sensitive and more prone to infections, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, and other issues. It’s just not as good at keeping the bad stuff out. That’s why taking care of your skin barrier is so important!

Fight Against Infections

Our skin is like our body’s first line of defence, guarding us against bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It works as a protective barrier, keeping these unwanted visitors out and helping us stay healthy.

Regulates Moisture

Our skin plays a vital role in locking in moisture and keeping hydration from escaping. When your skin barrier is in great shape, it helps your body stay well-hydrated, preventing issues like dryness and dehydration.

Allergen Defense

Think of your skin barrier as a trusty guardian, blocking allergens and protecting you from any irritation or allergic reactions that could affect your health. It’s a strong defence that keeps you safe from potential irritants.